32. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful!
This is a tough call for anyone that has trouble getting rid of anything. I have to admit that I used to be a hoarder. It's true. I was obsessed with finding a good deal on things and then buying them and selling them on eBay. I know what you're thinking.... its good to make a profit. Well, yes, it is. I couldn't stop buying though. I had this great office in the house that I bought shelves for and just filled them up. Then I got shelves in the garage and filled those up. I did make some money on a lot of the stuff, but there was so much stuff.
Let's be clear. If you are going to buy and sell stuff and you are actually selling and making a profit, then this can be a healthy process. It is the point where your buying becomes personal and you're buying craft stuff for the kids... more craft stuff than you will ever ever ever use....
Enough about me.
All that stuff is unnecessary. (the stuff that you can't possibly use in your lifetime) It was something else. I had problems with my marriage and I wasn't happy. Somehow buying things filled the void. Did it fix the marriage problems? Heck no. In fact, it probably added to them. My point ~ if you are accumulating things for whatever reason, there is a problem. It's time to dig deep and see what the underlying issue is. You don't wanna be on the next episode of hoarders, do you?
This can actually pertain to people in your life, as well. Take a good hard look at your life and those around you. Do you have excess stuff or people that are wasting your time, space and/or energy. Get rid of them. Take an inventory of your home and your life and figure out what you don't need. Does it bring you joy? Does it make you happy? If it doesn't, let it go. Find a needy family or donate it to a local thrift store. You may find joy in getting rid of it and helping someone in need.
Its time to fill your life with joy. What do you want in your life? Let's look at that!