What is it about the last day of the year that stirs something inside of us? Maybe for you, its the feeling that something big is coming in 2013. Or maybe you're wondering why people bother getting all excited for the new year.
2013 will be just exactly what you want it to be. There's so many inspirational quotes...
If you believe it you can achieve it...
Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right...
The list goes on and on.
What is it that you want from 2013? What did you want from 2012? Did you get what you wanted? Are you where you wanted to be? Was it just another year for you? Nothing exciting? Maybe it was amazing... maybe it was the best year of your life. Or perhaps it was pretty average with a few amazing moments scattered about. Or did it just plain suck?
I say its time to declare what you want from 2013. Claim it, proclaim it and lets go get it!
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