Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Forty one ~ Grumbling

The biggest poison in a life of positivity is to grumble or complain.  Grumbling means looking at what is in our lives from a negative viewpoint.  Grumbling is not to be confused with seeing a situation that needs to be fixed, and then doing what we can to rectify what is not to our liking.   Instead, it is the useless expression of negativity which has no positive result.

We all have down days.  On these days, we need to look at how we feel, accept that its OK to have off days, and then know with 100% clarity that on days like this, we tend to blow things out of proportion and forget to see the silver lining in everything.  Once we know it is just one of those days, we can choose to try hard not to verbalize our grumps and moans. 

Holding back on the grumps, moans and criticisms is a fantastic way of building our positive attitude.  The more we can hold back, the higher we can climb when we are feeling up again. 

Try and squash a moan, groan, criticism or negative comment about something or someone today.  Feel your strength of character being given a work out by being able to muzzle your moan!

If we can hold it in, we can find our way to the happy thoughts.  To maximize happiness we need to get rid of what drags us down into misery.  We have to learn to muzzle our mouths, hold it firmly shut and keep silent.  Once we have learned the art of holding back our negativity, we can then tell our minds to concentrate on the good things. 

People avoid moaning, miserable people.  They can't be bothered with them.  They may not say it to your face, but they don't really care about your aches, pains and worries, they've got their own to deal with.  Sometimes you have something that you need to talk through.  Everyone needs a good friend that they can confide in and who can help them by hearing out their problems.  It is necessary to have that friend and listener to share with.  There is a difference in sharing our negativity for therapeutic reasons and just dumping our negativity on everyone. 

This exercise will help us not get pulled down by our internal negativity.  Once we learn to ignore those moans, groans and criticisms, we will fly high on the power of the positive speech that we'll cultivate instead. 

Warren, S. 2010, 7 Ancient Keys To Happiness, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

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