Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Thirty six ~ Trace it back

To learn to cultivate the most amount of seeing the good in our lives, we can learn the skill of tracing it back to its source.  If we enjoy the shoes we are wearing, we can trace it back to feeling grateful to the shoe shop, or our mother for buying them for us, or the cow that died so we have leather, or to the grass that sustained the cow so it could grow, or the farmer who reared the cow...

The more we trace it back, the more pleasure we will be experiencing because it helps us appreciate the things we have in a more detailed way.  Tracing back our pleasures helps cultivate a feeling of "I'm so important and cared for."

Physical pleasures;  Everything that we own, body parts that allow for the ability to see, smell, hear, feel, taste.  Basically anything that brings us pleasure by seeing, touching, hearing, tasting and smelling.

Emotional pleasures; the feeling of being loved, loving others, belonging, meaning, friendship...

Achievement pleasures; winning, being the best at something, overcoming an obstacle, finishing something meaningful, being in control or having power...

Awareness/ Intellectual pleasures;  understanding something deep or profound, having clarity on an issue or having direction in life...

In order to feel these pleasures more, its great to trace them back to how we got to that pleasure, who helped us on the way, what was the original trigger that lead you on this path?

Take one pleasure from each category and see how far back you can trace it.  The further you can trace it back, the bigger your awareness of the pleasures you are experiencing, the deeper your appreciation.

If we want to be happy and really enjoy life, then we have to be aware of all the pleasures we have.  Our levels of appreciation and gratitude will soar the more often we can do this exercise.  Open your eyes to the reality around you.

Warren, S. 2010, 7 Ancient Keys To Happiness, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

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