Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day Twenty - Exceptional, Superb & Powerful Life!

20.  Don't take yourself so seriously.  No one else does.

Ok.  I admit it.  I am a control freak.  My kids will happily agree... oh and apparently they think that I have OCD.  I'm not going to comment on that one.  Let's just leave it alone.  For so many years, I was always planning and controlling everything.  I wanted to be prepared for anything.  Well, the good news is that I succeeded.  But, at what cost?

Being a control freak is no fun.  Spending time trying to figure out exactly what the outcome of each situation is so that you can be prepare is tiring.  Not to mention, it makes me kind of grumpy at times.  I am starting to loosen up a bit.  Kind of.  I still have to have my lists to follow, but I've learned to just let things go sometimes.  Yes, I said sometimes.

Here are some suggestions to get over yourself:

1. Do not compare yourself to anyone else because there is no one else. 

Your talents and skills are best used in serving others. These two statements– serve others and there is no one else– appear contradictory until you realize you presently appear in many pieces (bodies). Serve all and know The Self.

“Don’t worry about anyone else. It’s all you.”

2. Don’t use your talents and skills to hold others hostage to a personal self. 

Use your talents and skills for the good of all and make sure those who come to you are encouraged to do this same.

3. Have no expectations. 

If others recognize your contributions, so be it. If others do not recognize your contributions, so be it.

4. The less you compete the more desirable you become. 

Give attention and admiration to others instead of looking for it for yourself. Competition does not evolve into mighty companionship.

5. Resign as your own teacher and admit that you have failed to come up with a design for your life that works. 

You are not in charge of what you mistakenly call “your life”. Admit that you are in over your head and don’t know how to get out. Relax and learn that you are already out.

6. Discover who you by not adjusting yourself to meet others needs. 

Let beingness reveal itself to you. This Pearl Worth Any Price is what is wanted and needed first and foremost. Any action that comes from here will be truly helpful.

7. Take time to connect with people.

It doesn’t need to be a spectacular event. The reason to connect is to express appreciation. An earnest smile at seeing yourself will do.

8. Stop trying to get somewhere. 

It’s a waste of time. You are already whole and complete.

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