Thursday, April 12, 2012

Get Back to the Basics!


  • Variety!  It will deliver more nutrients and you will feel more satisfied
  • Add one or two new foods each week to your routine diet
  • Eat organically grown foods where available
  • Use whole grains instead of refined processed grains and brown rice instead of white.  Whole grain flour, bread and spaghetti are better than refined.
  • Take a break from wheat whenever possible and introduce other grains such as barley, spelt, millet, amaranth, quinoa and rye.
  • Eat fresh vegetables every day
  • Use unrefined sea salt instead of regular table salt
  • Use unrefined cold-pressed oils, such as sesame, corn, olive and sunflower
  • Use no-added-sugar jams
  • Drink pure (not concentrated) fruit juices
  • Rice syrup and barley syrup are better natural sweeteners than white sugar
  • Eat white wild fish (not farmed) rather than meat and chicken
  • Eat protein foods such as beans, tofu, quinoa and tempeh instead of meat and cheese
  • Use sea vegetables for your cooking.  These vegetables are a valuable source of nutrients, including calcium, beta-carotene and vitamin B12, which help reduce cholesterol, rid the body of toxins and strengthen immunity.
  • Introduce new foods into your life and eat more of them.

If you eat dead, lifeless food, your body will be lifeless.  If you eat vital, vibrant foods with lots of fresh fruits and veggies, you will be full of life force and vitality too.  It's the way it works, its that simple.  Challenge yourself and open your mind to the new possibilities.  You have no idea how well you can really feel, how much energy you can attain, how sharp your mind could really be, how much happiness you can exude, until you take the steps.

~ Taken from "You Are What You Eat" by Dr. Gillian McKeith


  1. Great tips, thank you. I am going to try and make a few changes in my diet!

  2. Great article, some very good information. Thanks!
