Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Fifty ~ Hear the Defense

Once we've heard the charges and determined that it is worthy of hearing, it is our jurisdiction to start or close the case.  In order for the case to be fair, the accused should be allowed to defend the charges.  No one wants to be put on trial  without being allowed a chance to tell their side of the story.  Everything is done for a reason.  Nothing is simple.  There were things that led the accused to taking the actions that they did... or didn't do.

Think of someone who has done something wrong to you recently (took your parking spot, said something mean about you, etc)  Are there mitigating circumstances?  Find them.

The more we learn about defending people that hurt us, the less hurt we will be.  People aren't bad, they just occasionally do or say something bad.  We need to make sure it actually happened the way we were told it did.  Most people are too self absorbed to realize the impact they really make on others.  Once we learn how to defend people, we will have better relationships.  We will also discover that we are capable, effective and objective judges.  We will be able to judge each person/situation based on knowing all of the facts and then we will make good decisions that we will be confident are correct.

Warren, S. 2010, 7 Ancient Keys To Happiness, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

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