Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Eight ~ It is all up to us

No-one, no matter how well meaning they are, has the power to make us happy.  Just like nobody can use our eyes and see for us, nobody can use our minds and create happiness within us.  It isn't what others are doing for us that makes us feel happy, it is how we interpret what they are doing.  We choose how we interpret each situation.  People can say or do tings that make it easier for us to think happy uplifting thoughts, but essentially they are not the ones that make us happy.

We have so many people in our lives that care for us.  However, they don't have the power or ability to make us happy.  They may try hard to make us happy, but it doesn't matter what others do or say to us, in the long run we are the only ones that can create that state of bliss in our minds.

1.  Ask yourself "Is there anyone in my life that I'm really waiting for to make me happy?  eg I thought I would be happy if I wasn't single, but now I'm married I still don't feel happy.  I thought I would be happy if I quit my job, but now I'm self-employed, I'm still not happy.  I thought I'd be happy if my children behaved themselves, but now they've grown up and left home, I'm still not happy. 

2.  The next time we hear ourselves blaming someone (by thinking or sayig "its your fault"), resolve to stop, turn things around and ask "How can I see the good or positive side of this situation?"
When we realize that we are the only ones responsible to make ourselves happy, then we can give up waiting around for happiness.  Happiness is at our doorstep.  It's there within our reach, its a power we possess.  Nobody can give it to us and nobody can ever take it away from us once we have learned how to do it.

Let's take control of our lives, free ourselves from the power others have over us and throw away any excuses that stand in our way of being happy.  our ticket to self empowerment is just one exercise away.

Warren, S. 2010, 7 Ancient Keys To Happiness, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

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