Thursday, January 3, 2013

Three ~ Keeping in Touch

"I found it,"  Kate said, "I listened for a few days, and finally I heard it.  I have a problem though - I don't want to do what it said.  It tells me to be responsible and I want to be carefree.  It tells me to tell the truth, when I want to tell a little white lie - it's a pest!"

Have you found that quiet voice deep inside?  Is it a pest?  Is it stealing your fun?  It is part of the process.  Sometimes the things it tells us to do are inconvenient.  The more time you spend listening to this inner voice, the sooner you will see that it isn't there to take away our fun.  That voice is there to point us in the right direction, to help us achieve things that will bring us true happiness.  When we fail at something, this is not the voice that is telling you "I told you it was too hard for you."  Our inner voice says "Wow!  You did great, you should try again."

Warren states "If our quiet voice tells us we should set up an institution for disable people, we don't have to feel bad if we don't go out and do it... If the quiet voice is persistent with grand desires - then we should follow the path that will lead us there.  However, we may find that we will reach a point of satisfaction and not desire to follow through with our original grandiose plans (e.g. of setting up an institute for disable people)  If we are doing small acts that are similar to our original plan e.g. helping a disabled person once a week, we may notice that we no longer desire to set up that institute.  Why?  Because the quiet voice's grand plans are sometimes wil fantasies based on an unfulfilled need we have deep inside... Once we start feeding our deep needs, we may find that our original grand plans become sidelined.  But, we should never sell ourselves short, if our quiet voice really craves for us to set up an institution - then eventually, step by step - we'll get there.  We just need to keep asking the quiet voice what to do next, keep up the dialogue and keep listening."

Today I will try to take one step towards:    (write it down)

If we have worked hard and taught ourselves how to access our dep wisdom then we are completely foolish to ignore its good advice.   Success is not achieved over night.  Success also isn't always measured by achieving our original dream or goal - but success IS being able to make and appreciate the small steps needed in order to reach our goal.  Success is when we get up from a fall and try again.  Success is when we beat that part of ourselves that wants to give up and resign itself to mediocrity.  Success is when we keep dreaming, hoping and planning for a better future (whilst simultaneously appreciating all that we have right now.) (Warren, 2010, p422  KV)

Get up, dust off those dreams, reflect deeply on what you really want out of life and who you really want to be and step forward TODAY.

Warren, S. 2010, 7 Ancient Keys To Happiness, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

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