Thursday, January 17, 2013

Sixteen ~ Acceptance

Once we've been able to realize that we are holding onto the pains from our past, we begin to take control of them and have the ability to leave them in the past.  We need to let go of the hate, anger, guilt or other negative emotions that have been built up around the hurt.  If we refuse to let go, not only are we allowing this person to have damaged us in the past, but we are giving them the power to keep damaging us now an in the future.  We don't want to be puppets and give our strings to another person.  We need to take our strings back and choose to use them to make us dance!  From now on we can choose to accept a painful situation, let go of the victim mentality and start to live.

1.  Verbally accept and let go of the hurtful situation.

Example:  I accept that I was beaten, I refuse to be a victim anymore.  Their behaviour is not a reflection on who I am.  I am good.  I am lovable.  I am worthy of more.  I know that life isn't fair but I am good person.

2.  Look for the good that lies within a situation that you want to reject and take some action to make the most of the moment. 

Example:  Today I was going to sleep in, but the neighbors are building a garage next door and they woke me up at 6am.  I went for a nice morning walk and came back to clean the house early.  Now the day is mine to play with.

Not one person in this world is 100% in control of their lives.  We may make certain decisions that will lead us down a certain path, but where we end up is never certain.  It's like taking a bus.  We might make all the right efforts to get on the right bus, at the right time etc.  expecting to be at a certain destination by a certain time - but things don't always go as planned.  There can be delays.

Refusing to accept the unpleasant things in our lives is a block to moving forward and is a huge obstacle in the way of our happiness.  When we are able to walk through life with a high level of acceptance then we are usually happy.  We can work on increasing our levels of acceptance and affirm to ourselves that the situation we are in is OK.  Every situation we have in life is a chance to bring out something good, or some dormant talent we have.

This exercise releases all tension, anger and built-up frustration.  it will enable us to move on and really enjoy life.  The more we can utilize the exercise the happier we will become.  if we become experts of acceptance, we will discover that so many things in life that used to bother us now don't  We will become more positive, lovable and inspiring people to be around. 

Warren, S. 2010, 7 Ancient Keys To Happiness, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

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