Sunday, January 13, 2013

Thirteen ~ Making Good Better

When you look in the mirror do you like what you see?  I'm not talking about your physical traits.  I'm talking about your inner self.  Are you a nice person?  Are you a grumpy person?  Are you giving?  Are you mean?  I think that I am a pretty nice person, most of the time.  There are days that I should probably go back to bed so I don't have to be mean.  The awesome thing is, we can look at our situation and change it.  We don't have to be mean, or rude, or angry all the time.  

If we find ourselves listening to the voice that says it takes too much work to change things then we aren't listening to our inner quiet voice. Our quiet inner voice is telling us that we can be happy and we can work at it!  Everything takes effort and isn't our happiness worth the effort?

There are days when we will feel low.  This is the way we are made, we have ups and we have downs.  We are like waves in the ocean - with high waves and low troughs.  Accepting the fact that we are having a low day, and that we will have them in the future, helps us cope with them when they come because we won't be shocked that another low day has come.  We can even learn how to prepare to handle these low days when they come.  The best way of preparing for a low day is to plan ahead.  Before we are feeling low, we need to ask ourselves, "How should I look after myself when I'm feeling low?" and listen to the quiet answers.

"I know when I feel low I get angry easily and I say nasty things for no good reason.  So one day, when I was in a good mood, I imagined myself in an angry mood and then I floated above the angry mood, and I stopped myself saying something nasty.  I replayed this image in my mind many times.  When I did eventually hit a bad mood day, I found it so much easier to cope with - I floated above my angry mood and didn't say anything I regretted.  I felt like I was just performing a play that I had rehearsed many times over - I was a star!"  (Warren, 1056 KV)

Now it's time to dream a great dream.  It is a dream of who you could really be.  We call this person the 'Ultimate me'.  The ultimate me is a type of person you envisage yourself as if you could dream what the best you would look like.  What you really would like to be, how would you like to interact with life/people etc?  How would you like your friends, family and associates to describe you?  What would you like written on your tombstone, or said at your funeral?
Reflect and ask yourself,  "What would the ultimate me look like?"  Write it down...

Sitting down and writing it out is a great exercise to help us in forming who we want to be.  By looking at things we can see what characteristics we need to build on.  This will be more beneficial when we come back and look at it 3 or 6 months from now.  

 Warren, S. 2010, 7 Ancient Keys To Happiness, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

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